Wednesday, June 16, 2010

(12-13 June 2010)

Location : 12 km from Gopeng town.

The forest surrounding the Semai community village are extremely rich with Rafflesia cantleyi. Rafflesia is a parasite that depends completely upon its host where the majority of the plant’s tissues exist as thread-like strands entirely within the host’s cells. It is very rare, does not have stems, leaves, barks or roots. In general however, the flowers consist of five leathery petals that are orange in colour and mottled with cream-coloured warts. The flowers can take up to ten months to develop from the first visible bud to the open bloom, which may last no more than a few days. There is a deep well in the centre of the flower containing a central raised disc that supports many vertical spines . The sexual organs are located beneath the rim of the disk, and male and female flowers are separate.

And not forgetting the butterflies of Ulu Geroh, the Rajah Brooke birdwing. Many of these magnificent creatures congregate at the specific moist spots to gain nourishment from the mineral-rich water. The best time to watch them is around 10-11 in the morning.
Thanks Iza & Narindar !!!!